Community Constitution

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Whensoever the material conditions of the mass of working people are rendered intolerable, their souls and spirits purloined by rabid consumerism and violence, and the very earth on which their continued survival inextricably relies is fatally imperiled by greed and avarice, it is incumbent upon those bearing both wisdom and vision to lay bare the present systems of grave injustice, and usher forth heretofore unconsidered notions of the very principles by which our lives, our spirits, and our industry are conducted. Our very survival is at present gravely compromised by the false realities of greed, violence, scarcity, and toxic competition so belabored as necessary by those in positions of power who have--to their own ignominious ends--manufactured them.

Therefore, we must propose and humbly submit for the unearned favor of the masses in paying heed to the following principles on which new communities, anchored by love and kindred interest, may organize themselves, each equal in station, power, and stature, in pursuit of mutual respect, human dignity, and unassailable moral pulchritude. By this, the noblest of pursuits, we shall stand forever opposed to woeful injustice, extracting peacefully and mindfully from such injustice, and conducting ourselves in accordance with the dictates of truth, kindness, humility, and compassion that so defines the very essence and distinctive capacities of our sacred humanity.

Article I: Core Principle

We affirm that the guiding premise of any such community must be mutual love and respect between and among all of its members, love and respect of neighboring communities, and love and respect for the earth upon whose sustenance all must depend.

We also recognize that as physical and emotional distance between any two persons increases, it becomes proportionally more difficult to love authentically. As this consequence of human nature is unavoidable, our structures of governance must reflect it. To that end, the criteria for adopting legislation must increase in rigor and democratic input as the scope and breadth of such legislation increases.

Article II: Moral Framework

We affirm that the durability and success of each community relies on the commitment of its members to a guiding moral framework. Where this framework stems from spiritual or religious conviction, it is of utmost importance for the founders, members of original charter, and prospective members to reach consensus on the entailments of such convictions.

We also affirm that any such more framework must forego any element that would abridge human rights or the welfare of the entire community, any outside community, or cause harm to the natural environment.

We further affirm that no community's guiding moral framework--whether spiritual or material in nature--may be weaponized against other moral frameworks, as long as said frameworks conform to the principles articulated in Article I.

Article III: Equality of Stature and Station

Article IV: Democratic Governance